Archive by Author

Why do We care so much about Your Purpose?!

The Harmonic Business Series of Programs has been created to showcase Purposeful Leadership. Drawing on years of collective experience in Small Business, Accounting & Finance, Human Resources, Sales & Marketing, Operations, Non-Profit, Performing Arts, Creative Design, Media and the Spiritual & Healing Arts… Blending tangible professional skills with their own personal wisdom & heart… The Leaders of the OmniWealth Community of Professionals come from a variety of distinct backgrounds under the Harmonic Business banner. […]

What if the way “Up” was actually the way “Within?”

The Harmonic Business Series of Programs has been created to showcase Purposeful Leadership. The first event in the Harmonic Business Series will feature: * Annette Baron (www.proposal-architect.com) * Vanessa Codorniu (www.vanessacodorniu.com/) * Kavi Daniel Patak (www.omniwealthsolutions.com/about-us/) * Kathryn Okeson (www.kateokeson.com)   Areas that will be explored, through Education & Discussion, in the first Harmonic Business Workshop include: * Rewriting Your Own Story (Why […]

Harmonic Business Workshop

Designed to unlock your greatest potential as a professional November 22, 9am -1pm Ripley-Grier Studios 520 Eighth Avenue (Bet. 36th & 37th Streets) 16th Floor, New York, NY 10018 Are you seeking a new level of Success in your Professional Life? What if Multiple Pathways to that new Success already exist? The Harmonic Business Workshop […]